The ultimate BBQ and beer pairing guide for beginners

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You've all heard of wanky wine tasting. But what about beer and meat tasting. Yep, it's a thing.

The number of independent beer producers leapt from less than 100 in 2005 to over 350 by 2015. Now, there are 740 craft beer breweries in Australia. Needless to say, craft beer is popular.  And a chilled craft frothy with a delicious cut of steak is a ripping combination. 

At AOK barbecues are our thing. We also happen to love a good local brew. So here's our ultimate BBQ and beer pairing guide to try at your next barbie.


Beer and burgers. The perfect combination. But what beer goes best with what burger? If you think that all beers go with all burgers, you’d be wrong, mate. 

We recommend a beer that complements the richness of the burger. A burger has four of the five basic tastes - salty, sour, umami and sweet. But it’s missing something bitter. That’s where the beer comes in.

Choose a roasty porter or IPA for your next burger. Beers like Pirate Life IPA or Vale Spiced Rum Porter will contrast against the rich sauces but are still dry enough to cut through the grease.   

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What barbeque would be complete without a good old fashioned steak? The king of BBQ meats, all you need is a good season of salt and pepper, and you’re set.

The humble steak is rich in decadence and loaded with complex flavours. So look for a beer that will offset the fat and umami taste without becoming lost. Sounds tricky? Not if you know what to look for.

A lean steak will lend itself to dark ales, while bigger, juicier steaks need a sweet, Belgian ale. If those beers aren’t your thing, then a good porter or stout will work as well.

Try Big Shed Frankenbrown American Brown Ale with your next steak. And if you’re keen for a stout, then Coopers Best Extra Stout will go down a treat.  


Because chicken is so mild compared to other meats, people often marinate it with stronger flavours. So the beer you choose will depend on the flavour of the chicken.

Chicken seasoned with citrus, herbs, and spices needs a light beer. Greasy roasted chicken goes well with a hoppy beer. And if you’re looking for a good all-rounder, then a classic blonde ale is for you. It’s easy to drink and doesn’t have any dominant malt or hop characteristics.

Pair your chicken with the light Coopers Original Pale Ale or The Smiling Samoyed Fresh Hop Ale. If you’re keeping it simple and using barbeque sauce to marinate your chicken, then choose a malt flavoured beer, like Prancing Pony Brewery India Red Ale

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Adelaide Outdoor Kitchens now stock outdoor BBQs and beer accessories such as Billy Smoker, BeefEater and Kegerator. Call Justin on 0437 658 850 to find out how you can get one for your outdoor kitchen.