Outdoor Heaters For This Winter


With winter just around the corner you might want to think about what outdoor heating solutions you have set to see you through the season. There are loads of options when it comes to outdoor/patio heating. Here's a quick list of outdoor heaters you might want to consider for winter...

Fire Pits

Fire pits as outdoor heaters are definitely the most rustic option of the lot. If you're looking for an intimate setting for your outdoor area fire pits are a great way to achieve this! They come in a wide variety of styles from galvanized steel to earthy concrete and limestone. They also come in different shapes and sizes. If you don't have much space you can always get a smaller fire pit in. The major benefit of fire pits is that it can double up as a BBQ. You can easily cook kebabs or marshmallows if the occasion calls for it! The most desirable benefit of fire pits is that they provide great ambiance when entertaining guests.

Outdoor Heaters

Gas Heaters

Gas heaters are versatile, easy to install and generally warm up quite quickly. The great thing about gas heaters is that you get the natural heat of fire minus the time it takes to get a fire going and keeping it lit. A  lot of gas heaters come with remote controls which makes it even easier to control. They are also far more cost effective than electric heaters. As much as we love fire pits, gas heaters do require less maintenance in terms of cleaning which can be a major plus depending on your personal preference.

Outdoor Heaters

Hanging Heaters

These are great if you don't want to clutter your outdoor floor space. Hanging heaters can be gas fired or electric. Some are even solar powered! Hanging heater designs range from a simple strip heater to a more elaborate hanging fire place.

Outdoor Heaters

Low or No Light Heaters

I'm sure we have all experienced being in the bright light of an outdoor heater before! Zero light heaters are perfect if you want to keep your outdoor area dim and intimate or lit up by candles or soft and natural lighting.

Outdoor Heaters

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