Minimalist Kitchens

Minimalism as a life choice and home style has become a popular trend around the world. Chunky rugs and throws have been replaced with basic furniture. Scatter cushions have been packed up, leaving clutter free couches. And gone are the times when we displayed our appliances on our benchtop. As home owners look to reduce their carbon footprint and live on less, minimalist homes and minimalist kitchens have become a popular choice.

So what makes a minimalist kitchen? Is it the colour? The finishes? The fittings? We've defined a minimalist kitchen as a kitchen that only contains the bare essentials. And also a little bit by the colour. Nothing more than the few utensils, crockery and cutlery you need to function in the kitchen. A minimalist kitchen does't contain bread or ice cream makers, waffle machines or any other appliance you may have purchases on whim while watching day time TV.

Here are five minimalist kitchens we love...

"Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It's yous master piece after all."

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The colours of this kitchen definitely assist with that minimalist feel. Light grey cabinets, light coloured laminate wooden floors and a white marble benchtop create an open, airy and tranquil space that helps achieve that minamlist look. The benchtop is not completely clear but it only contains the essentials (no blenders, toasters or kettles). The shelving is kept uncluttered too. The clear pendant lighting is simple and understated which contributes to the style too.

"I'd rather have extra space than extra stuff."

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Again we see light colours used in this modern minimalist kitchen. Light laminate wooden flooring provides a bit of warmth against the sheer white bench tops and cabinets. The benchtop is kept almost completely clear with only a few tea and coffee containers and small pot plants which add colour to the room. Shelving has been built into the island which helps keep clutter off the top. Appliances are kept hidden away.

"Minimalism is an appreciation of space."

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Aside from the shoes and train set, this kitchen is clutter free. Although they have their kitchenware visible, you'll notice the only have what they need (four plates, eight glasses, one wine holder, etc.) The more unnecessary kitchenware you build up, the harder it is to maintain the minimalist look. A kitchen like this could easily accommodate a single person, couple or small family.

"Less is more."

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And now for something completely different. A minimalist kitchen in a darker shade works too. The secret to this kitchens minimalism is the available storage space/cabinets to keep clutter and appliances out of sight. The kitchen is lightened by the light timber benchtop, breakfast bar stools and flooring.

Are you wanting to revamp your kitchen to have a more minimalist style? Get in touch with Adelaide Outdoor Kitchens for a free quote.

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