Choosing planter pots for offices

Is your office looking a little bland? Incorporating plants into the office transforms a dull workspace into a lush resort. And who doesn’t want to work in a green paradise?

Adelaide Outdoor Kitchens design custom concrete planters in our very own workshop in Adelaide, South Australia. Our planters can be produced in a range of sizes, shapes and colours to suit your office. We also work with interior designers, helping enhance their project with unique plants that suit both residential and commercial spaces.

Choosing planter pots for offices doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it’s fun! Read on to discover how to find the right planter for your workspace.

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Why have planters in the office?

Office planters look fantastic and add atmosphere. They’re also great for mental health, creativity, and productivity. They reduce stress by making the office look less like a joyless dungeon and more like home.

Office planters also relieve tension by releasing oxygen and clearing toxins out of the air. The University of Technology Sydney Plants and Indoor Environmental Quality Research Group has discovered that indoor plants can help reduce carbon dioxide levels by 10% in air-conditioned offices, and by 25% in buildings without air conditioning.

What does all this lead to? Less sick days, increased morale, and a prettier workplace. Win-win!

What plants should I choose?

No one wants to spend their working day taking care of the office plants. So avoid plants that need a lot of care, are hard to keep alive, or that grow out of control.

Choose your office plants carefully. Think about the space they will occupy and what look you want to achieve.

Plants like bamboo, aloe, dracaenas, and peace lilies are easy to look after and require little maintenance. Also consider Devil’s Ivy, Aglaonema and cacti.

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Choosing the right planter

So you know how great plants are for your office, and which plants are easy to take care of. Now it's time to think about what kind of planter you’ll need for your plants.


When it comes to keeping your office plant healthy, size does matter. Your plants need enough room to grow and stretch their roots.

Plants with a deep root system will need a tall planter, while plants with shallow root systems need wider planters. Big planters will also contain and reserve more moisture, so your plant won’t dry out as quickly.

And remember to match your planter to the plant - an older, mature plant will need a big planter, while new plants are okay to pop in a smaller planter.


Planters are made from all kinds of materials, such as terracotta, ceramic, plastic and wood.

You can even get planters made from concrete. Concrete is incredibly versatile - it’s also porous, meaning that water and air can easily circulate through the planter.

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Ever lovingly cared for a plant, only to have it die on you? You may have been overwatering it.

More indoor plants die from overwatering than anything else. But having a drainage hole at the bottom of the planter will cause a mess. Choose a planter with an internal irrigation system. That way, your plant always has access to water without drowning its roots.

Adelaide Outdoor Kitchens specialise in custom concrete planters. See our full range in our showroom. Call Justin on 0437 658 850 to book a time, or contact us here.