Benchtop colours - what colours should I choose?

Is there anything more exciting than renovating a kitchen? The countless choices of splashbacks, the never-ending selections of handles, and the most important piece in any kitchen – the colour of the benchtop.

It sounds like a dream – for some people, that is. For others, the thought of redesigning the kitchen is a nightmare. If that sounds like you, we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together a simple guide to help you choose the right colour benchtop for your new kitchen. 

Where do I start?

If you find yourself daunted by the infinite options ahead of you, then start with your cabinets. Cabinet doors and exteriors take up most of the visible space in your kitchen, so it’s a good place to start. Your new benchtop needs to compliment your cabinetry – so the colour you choose will depend on the colour of your cabinets. 

If you choose dark cabinets

Dark cabinets and light, creamy coloured benchtops are a match made in heaven. It suits both rustic and modern décors and reflects light, which will brighten up the room.

If your kitchen has more of a contemporary feel, then a strong white benchtop is for you. Look for a benchtop with minimal design and movement for a cleaner look.


 If you have white cabinets

White is the most versatile of all colours. So feel free to explore! Have a few accents you want to show off? Then go for a light-coloured benchtop. It will keep your kitchen neutral, so your little touches will pop.

But why play it safe? Consider a bold colour, like blue or red. It can be a striking focal point when styled just right. 


If you have grey cabinets

If you love a monochromatic look, then choose grey benchtops a shade or two darker or lighter than your cabinets. This allows other features of your kitchen – like appliances, or art – to shine.

Not keen on the fifty shades of grey? Then try a benchtop in earthy brown tones. Brown is a warm colour which will add depth to your kitchen. 


Are you overwhelmed with choices for your kitchen renovation? We’re here to help! Read our helpful blog for design inspo. Or contact us here for a free quote.