How to light your smoker

Outside is warming up, and the sun is finally out – it’s perfect weather for smoking!

Hold on there, big shot. You’re going to need to light the thing first. And getting your smoker lit can be half the battle.

Read on to learn how to light your smoker so you can enjoy a delicious, slow-cooked meal.



Safety first

We don’t want to ruin your fun, but it’s important to stay safe while lighting your smoker. Remember these simple rules:

  • Keep your smoker outside

  • Don’t mix fluids together – i.e., starter or charcoal fluids

  • Keep all starter fluids away from the kids, pets and anywhere where it might get hot

  • Let your coals completely cool before you dispose of them in a metal container

Now that’s out of the way, let’s get smoking!


The charcoal chimney smoker

A charcoal chimney is a metal tube that holds your charcoal or briquettes while you ignite them from the bottom. This is the most popular way of lighting smokers because it’s easy with no messy clean-up.

Ball up some newspaper and pack them lightly as the base of the starter. If you jam the newspaper too tightly, it won’t burn as easily.

Fill the chimney about halfway with briquettes or charcoal. You can add more charcoal later if you like.

Then light the newspaper. The shape of the chimney will direct all the heat upwards into the coals. Easy peasy.

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The firelighter smoker

If your smoker is a little more traditional, then you’re going to have to light it the old-fashioned way – with firelighters.

Firelighters, or starters, use paraffin wax, compressed cardboard or wax-coated wood shavings to ignite the charcoal. It’s non-toxic and doesn’t leave any odour or residue.

You can also start your chimney smoker with firelighters as they don’t leave ash like newspapers do.

Place 2 to 3 firelighters around your charcoal basket and light them. Then add some coal – but try not to smother the flames.

Wait until the coals are lit, then add more. When the coals are white/grey, you’re ready to start cooking!


The lighter fluid smoker

Are you champing at the bit to get your smoker going? In a rush to get dinner ready? Then try lighter fluid.

While lighter fluid will get your smoker up and running in no time, it can be dangerous and leave a chemical after taste in your food.

But if you must, then start by building a little pyramid of briquettes in the bottom of your smoker.

Squirt a liberal amount of lighter fluid onto the pile of briquettes, and leave to soak in for one minute. Close the bottle and take it at least 3 meters away before lighting.

Light the fire using a long matchless lighter or rolled up piece of newspaper. Keep your hands away from the smoker in case there is a vapour flash fire.


Did you know we now stock ProQ barbecues and smokers? Call Justin on 0437 658 850 to find out how you can get one for your outdoor kitchen.
