BBQ Cleaners You Didn’t Know About


BBQ cleaners can be expensive and a lot of them are harmful for the environment so we're sharing our top five favourite BBQ cleaners that are cheap and eco friendly! Be sure to read point four if you have a stainless steel BBQ or grill...

1. Vinegar

The best BBQ cleaner around! Vinegar contains 5% acetic acid which kills bacteria and viruses, in other words, gets rid of grime on our barbie. Mix two cups of vinegar with two cups of water in a spray bottle. Shake it up and spray it onto your BBQ. Let it settle then use tin foil to wipe it down.

BBQ cleaner

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is the miracle cleaner that every household should have! Mix a guesstimate amount of baking soda with some water to make a paste. Smear it onto your grill or BBQ and leave it for a couple hours. Wipe it down with a cloth or newspaper and you're left with a BBQ as good as new! Check out this article to find out more about why baking soda is the best cleaner you can have in your kitchen.

BBQ cleaners

3. Lemon and salt

Not only for tequila! Lemon and salt is a great BBQ cleaner. Cut the lemon in half, rub it in some coarse salt and then rub it on your BBQ to scrub the grill.

BBQ cleaners

4. Cleaning your stainless steel grill

Avoid using any brushes or materials that will scratch your BBQ (like steel wool or metal brushes) Clean your BBQ with warm water and soap (see soap recipe below). Use a soft cloth instead. Also remember to keep your BBQ covered! Exposure to moisture is not good for stainless steel.

5. Castile soap

Olive oil is another great BBQ cleaner and this recipe combines olive oil, lye and water to make an eco friendly soap to scrub down your BBQ.

BBQ cleaners

Do you have any BBQ cleaning tips? Share our post or comment below with your ideas and spread the word on these cheap and eco friendly alternatives to clean your BBQ.

BBQ cleaners you didn't know about

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